사람 몸은 좋은 에너지, 효율적인 신진대사, 또 전체적인 밸런스에 반응합니다. > 체험담

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사람 몸은 좋은 에너지, 효율적인 신진대사, 또 전체적인 밸런스에 반응합니다.

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 1,825회 작성일 19-02-28 10:53


“Their human body...responds with improvements in energy, metabolic efficiency and overall balance”

When we were introduced to the Vitalizer Plus at the Advanced Health Clinic and Therapeutic Spa, the first thing we did was test it. Using bionetic equipment, which measures the body’s responds to different foods and supplements, we determined that Vitalized water was over 50% better than the structured water product we were recommending at the time. We also determined that Vitalized water was highly stable and did not require refrigentation like many other structured water products on the market.

We purchased a Vitalizer Plus and began to monitor the responses of our practitioners and clients as we drank the water. Over the next few months we determined that the addition of this water made it much easier to “balance” our clients with the supplements and remedies available at the clinic-not only this but their energy seemed to stay balanced for longer periods of time. The human body seemed to really “want” Vitalized water and it reponds with improvements in energy, metabolic efficiency and overall balance. It has also been reponsible for a variety of cleansing effects.

We are very pleased with the Vitalizer Plus and regularly it to our clients.

Maratha B. - Utah

FNP-C, APRN(Advanced Practive Registered Nurse)

Co-founder/owner-Advanced Health Clininc and Therapeutic Spa.


“사람 몸은 좋은 에너지, 효율적인 신진대사, 또 전체적인 밸런스에 반응합니다.”

처음 vitalizer plus를 advanced health clinic에서 소개 받았을 때 제일 처음 한건 실험이었습니다. 어떤 음식과 성분이 몸이 어떻게 반응하는지 쟤는 생물계측기로 실험한 결과 이 물이 저희가 손님들에게 권하던 다른 구조형성에 도움되는 물보다 50%나 좋은 결과가 나왔습니다. 다른 물과 달리 Vitalized 물은 차갑게 냉장하지 않아도 모든게 유지되었습니다.

우리는 Vitalizer Plus를 구입하고 마시면서 의사들과 손님들의 반응을 지켜보았습니다. 몇 달간 지켜본 결과 약과 이 물을 병행했을 때 좋은 결과를 얻었고 손님들의 에너지와 밸런스가 더 오래 지속되었습니다.

우리는 Vitalizer Plus의 성능을 인정하고 손님들에게 권장하고 있습니다.

Maratha B. - Utah

FNP-C, APRN(Advanced Practive Registered Nurse)

Co-founder/owner-Advanced Health Clininc and Therapeutic Spa.


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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